Dr. Courtney Howard, MD

9. Make What the World Needs


Invest in one another, in a good life now, and in the building blocks of a healthy future.

> Skilled workers for a world of wellbeing

Relieve tuition-related debt and provide free tuition moving forwards to lower the cost of initial training and of switching gears mid-career.

Upscale the training of licensed nurses, care aids and early-childhood care providers.

Upscale the training of low-carbon energy, transport, and building sector workers.


Increase federal research funding by 25%, with funds allocated to multidisciplinary, outcome-based research competitions.. 

> Transport

Support the development of a Made-in Canada electric car, bus,& tractor industry.





> Shelter

Treat housing as a human right. Affordable, efficient green homes.

> Critical inputs

Explore the possibility of responsible mining of rare earth minerals 

> Reclaimed places and materials

Put people to work giving second life to materials and places that have previously served other uses–starting with creating safe spaces from orphan gas and oil well sites.

> Food

The agriculture industry must be viewed as a critical engine of planetary health now and into the future. Regenerative, sustainable, local, soil-supporting low-carbon food systems that support farmers and nourish communities should be giving priority over a corporate-controlled export orientation.