Dr. Courtney Howard, MD


Ecological grief and anxiety: the start of a healthy response to climate change?

The next 10 years are a crucial decade for the world. Ecological grief and anxiety over current losses or anticipated future change are a sign of relationship with, or connection to, the natural world. What is needed are accessible and safe spaces to explore these difficult emotional reactions and the political will to ensure that important strategies and supports are funded.

La Presse

Dans les médias: “Faire le choix de la santé”

LA PRESSE “Dans les dernières semaines, nous avons souligné, célébré, et reconnu le travail exceptionnel des travailleurs de la santé de première ligne. D’un océan à l’autre, et à travers le monde, nous avons chanté, allumé nos lumières, frappé sur nos casseroles et dansé de la maison pour souligner les efforts et le courage de nos voisins et amis qui sont partis œuvrer dans nos centres de santé et qui ont maintenu nos services essentiels, jour comme nuit.”

La Presse

Dans les médias: “Faire le choix de la santé”

LA PRESSE “Dans les dernières semaines, nous avons souligné, célébré, et reconnu le travail exceptionnel des travailleurs de la santé de première ligne. D’un océan à l’autre, et à travers le monde, nous avons chanté, allumé nos lumières, frappé sur nos casseroles et dansé de la maison pour souligner les efforts et le courage de nos voisins et amis qui sont partis œuvrer dans nos centres de santé et qui ont maintenu nos services essentiels, jour comme nuit.”

Dans les médias : « La crise du COVID-19 est un point de basculement. Allons-nous investir dans la santé planétaire, ou le pétrole et le gaz?

« Lorsque j’ai lu pour la première fois sur la possibilité d’un renflouement de plusieurs milliards de dollars du secteur pétrolier et gazier par les gouvernements fédéral et albertain, j’étais épuisé.

J’étais épuisé par des journées de travail aux urgences, des exercices d’équipement de protection individuelle, un comptage obsessionnel des ventilateurs et la façon d’encourager les Canadiens à avoir des conversations courageuses autour des soins de fin de vie. J’étais trop épuisé pour même penser à répondre.


TEDxMontrealWomen : Planète en santé, personnes en bonne santé

« Pendant trop longtemps, nous avons mis la santé et l’environnement dans différentes boîtes. Le travail de notre génération est de combler les deux, de comprendre qu’en fait, ils appartiennent à la même boîte – que la santé planétaire définit la santé humaine – et que nous améliorons l’un, nous allons améliorer l’autre ainsi.


TEDxMontrealWomen : Healthy Planet, Healthy People

TEDxMontrealWomen “For too long we’ve put health and the environment in different boxes. The work of our generation is to bridge the two, to understand that in fact, they belong in the same box–that planetary health defines human health–and that as we improve one, we will improve the other as well.”


Smoke 101: An intro to a new summer reality

“It’s here. It’s become a part of summer in most areas of Canada. It’s bad for you. But there’s a lot more to it than that. What exactly makes wildfire smoke harmful to breathe? And what about the mental health impact of hazy skies and a darkened future?”


Summers of smoke: Planning and response does good and feels good

“On Aug. 2, 2014, six weeks into the wildfire season that would come to be known as the Summer of Smoke, we woke up to haze over Back Bay in Yellowknives Dene territory. It was my daughter Vivi’s first birthday and we’d planned a party in the park.”


Cross Country Checkup with Ian Hanomansing

“The World Meteorological Organization warns that global temperatures may temporarily surpass 1.5 C degrees of warming within the next five years. What’s your next move?”


A post to mark the passing of legendary Yellowknife nurse Martha Codner.

“If you can alleviate the fear of a child just by your presence or your caring and comforting, that’s a job done right there…It’s the most rewarding job that I think anyone could choose. When you can make a difference and help somebody, whether it be minute or major. It’s rewarding. You don’t have to have a thank you, you just walk away and say, ‘A job well done.” Martha’s voice, taken from an interview with Loren McGinnis upon her retirement a few years ago, starts off both of these interviews.”


Oxford Policy Pod : Health, climate and COPs

“COP27, held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, was expected to be the ‘Implementation COP’ that would translate previous commitments into tangible action. Our host, Vitor Tomaz, is joined in this episode by Dr Courtney Howard to discuss her intellectual journey into climate advocacy, how global health advocacy and organisations can also push forward climate goals, and what a civil society participant aims to achieve at a global climate conference like COP.”


Information Radio – MB with Marcy Markusa

“Dr. Courtney Howard is an emergency physician in Yellowknife and the advocacy co-chair for a WHO working group on climate and health. She is pushing the Canadian government to face the climate crisis head-on.”


Statement about Annamie Paul stepping down

“Thank you to Annamie Paul for your service to Canada. It meant a lot to my daughters and I to have a strong, intelligent, articulate woman on the stage. Many have asked about my plans at this juncture. The NWT is currently being rocked COVID19. For the moment my focus is on my work in the Emergency Department and on helping the local, national, and international health communities respond to the converging health crises of COVID19 and climate change in a manner that recognizes that on an interconnected planet, for any to thrive, all must have the opportunity to be well.”


Covid felt very real in the ER today, NWT friends. I hope very much that we will be able to turn this Covid wave into a small blip instead of the first uptick on an epic Northern event.


Statement from Facebook— June 2021

I’ve had a lot of people approach me in the past day or so with questions about potential near-term political involvement, and given the wonderful energy and support I had with the campaign, that as it happens, I launched a year ago today, I feel I ought to post a brief message.



En tant que médecins œuvrant à l’intersection de la santé humaine et de la planète, nous avons été ravies de voir le National Health Service (NHS) du Royaume-Uni s’engager à atteindre la carboneutralité d’ici 2040, avec l’ambition de réduire de 80 % son empreinte environnementale avant 2028-2032.


The National Observer : Climate action can save lives — it’s time to go big

Discussions and plans of action around climate change are too rarely informed by the devastating health impacts of a rapidly warming planet. But if we truly seek to build a society that is resilient and prepared for public health challenges, we must apply hard-won lessons from one health emergency to our management of the next.